8 Foods that Pack on Muscle

An exercise and nutrition researcher at the University of Connecticut, found that eight foods that pack on muscle: eggs, almonds, olive oil, salmon, steak, yogurt, water, and coffee. Add these ingredients to your stomach and faithfully follow the directions on the package—”Lift heavy weights”—and you can whip up a batch of biceps in no time.


8 Foods that Pack on Muscle

8 Foods that Pack on Muscle

Coconut Lemon Macaroon Nests

Celebrate spring with Coconut Lemon Macaroon Nests. They are easy to make and super cute! They are perfect for ringing in spring!  They are also a great addition to any Easter basket and will also look great on any Easter brunch or dinner table. So festive and fun! Happy spring!


Coconut Lemon Macaroon Nests

The Best Restaurant Dishes of 2013

The year’s most extraordinary dishes reflect the biggest restaurant trends of the moment: nose-to-tail-fin eating, live-fire grilling and the quest for elemental flavors.—Kate Krader, Dana Cowin, Kate Heddings, Christine Quinlan, Tina Ujlaki

Foie Gras with Avocado

Best Restaurant Dishes of 2013: Foie Gras with Avocado

Foie Gras with Avocado

Avocado Yogurt Cocktail Perk You Up St Patrick’s Day

Fresh, Creamy and tasty

Fresh, Creamy and tasty dessert cocktail.

Avocado Yogurt Cocktail is just a right cocktail for your St Patrick dinner to set the dessert dish aside and sip on this tasty dessert cocktail instead! This Cocktail is tasted like fresh of lemon, avocado, Yogurt creamy, sweet of honey and very easy to sip on. You’ll be feeling all tasty, fresh and perk you up. Have a cozy night. It is simple and easy to make. Only take 10 minutes to make.

Avocado is rich in vitamins A, D and E, avocados are one of the world healthiest foods that can do everything. “The avocado is rich in good fats, phytonutrients and full of Vitamin E for hydration. It gets to the skin cells in the basal (deepest) layer of the skin,” says Dr. Graf. Avocado oil has also been proven to increase collagen levels in rat studies.  “Avocado oil is close in composition to the natural oils in our skin and the essential fatty acids contained are great for sunburn or to soothe skin,” explains Dr. Graf. Guacamole.

Home Made Yogurt

Home Made Yogurt is as easy as 123

Julia Teen, who is an Australian freelance writer, point out: Consuming yogurt does more than just provide calcium for strong bones. Also rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and protein, a daily serving of the plain, unflavored variety will help to detoxify your skin. If you are an acne sufferer, consider adding anti-bacterial Manuka Honey to your yogurt, since it’s high in hydrogen peroxide, a key ingredient in acne-fighting formulations, and beneficial for wound healing. “The mix can be a really good treatment because the honey is stable and doesn’t get eaten away by the acids in your stomach.”



  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2 cup homemade yogurt
  • 1/3 Lemon
  • 3/4 can soda water
  • 5 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp kale leaves


Put all of ingredients to the blender to blend until to smoothies. It is done!

Eggplant Jam

Eggplant is one of the world healthiest food.

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which also includes tomatoes,


Brain Food, Rich in Phenolic Antioxidant Compounds, Cardiovascular Health and Free Radical Protection

sweet peppers and potatoes. They grow in a manner much like tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that grows several feet in height. While the different varieties do range slightly in taste and texture, one can generally describe the eggplant as having a pleasantly bitter taste and spongy texture. Long prized for its deeply purple, glossy beauty as well as its unique taste and texture.

Health Benefits

Brain Food


Eggplant, the world healthiest food

Research on eggplant has focused on an anthocyanin phytonutrient found in eggplant skin called nasunin. Nasunin is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has been shown to protect cell membranes from damage. In animal studies, nasunin has been found to protect the lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Cell membranes are almost entirely composed of lipids and are responsible for protecting the cell from free radicals, letting nutrients in and wastes out, and receiving instructions from messenger molecules that tell the cell which activities it should perform.

Rich in Phenolic Antioxidant Compounds

Researchers at the US Agricultural Service in Beltsville, Maryland, have found that eggplants are rich sources of phenolic compounds that function as antioxidants. Plants form such compounds to protect themselves against oxidative stress from exposure to the elements, as well as from infection by bacteria and fungi.

Cardiovascular Health and Free Radical Protection

When laboratory animals with high cholesterol were given eggplant juice, their blood cholesterol, the cholesterol in their artery walls and the cholesterol in their aortas (the aorta is the artery that returns blood from the heart back into circulation into the body) was significantly reduced, while the walls of their blood vessels relaxed, improving blood flow. These positive effects were likely due not only to nasunin but also to several other terpene phytonutrients in eggplant.

Eggplant Jam Recipe


    • 2 eggplants
  • 1 onion
  • Lao Gan Ma chilli source
  • 5 tsb olive oil
  • 2 tsb vegetable oil
  • 1 tsb salt
  • 3 tsb sesame seed
  • 2 jars


  1. steam eggplant 10 minutes to fully cook.
  2. stir-fried  onion in the low heat to fully cook, add sesame seed on the top let it cook 1 minute, add salt, chilli source and steamed eggplant to mix together and cook 2 minutes.
  3. put to into 2 jars.


My Cocktail Friday

It is Friday! That is my favorite day of the week. On the Friday I can hold wish to pursue my dreams. After work, my heart is flying to my world. I start laying bricks to build  my dreams. This week it is My Cocktail Friday Day. Wondering why? Oh, I need to prepare my party for St Patrick’s Day. I also prepare some special treats to raise funds for Breast Cancer Foundation.
Here are the most creative Cocktails. It is amazing, tasty and remarkable. It really appreciate those talents creating such wonderful arts. It is really cheer up the party.

Green Flash Cocktail — Club Med Bahamas

Green Flash Cocktail - club-med-bahamas

Green Flash Cocktail – club-med-bahamas by White On Rice Couple

What’s  a Green Flash?  In the Bahamas, it’s a “natural tropical phenomenon occurring at sunset. Very rarely, on utterly cloudless occasions, and just after the sun has disappeared underneath the sea, a brilliant band of green light as wide as the sun itself will flash across the horizon.” (By white on Rice Couple) The major ingredient is Blue Curacao. Curacao is  a flavored liqueur made from the dried peels of the laraha citrus fruit which  grown on the island of Curaçao, hence, the name. The brilliant blue color, the bright citrus/orange tones and slight bitterness of this liqueur makes a perfectly delicious and beautiful cocktail. (By white on Rice Couple)


Green Flash Cocktail Recipe

For 2,  Prepare time: 3 min

  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
  • 1/2 oz Blue Curacao
  • 3 oz sprite
  • 3 oz orange juice
  • ice
  • orange slice for garnish
  • cherry for garnish


  1. Mix ingredients together, serve over ice.
  2. Garnish with an orange slice and cherry
Recipe Source: WhiteOnRiceCouple.com.
Green Demon

Green Demon

Green Demon Cocktail
  • 1 oz Rum
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz Melon Liqueur
  • Top up with Lemonade

Shake all ingredients except the Lemonade with crushed ice and pour into a highball glass. Top up with Lemonade.

Emerald City Martini8

       Girl's Night Avocado Margarita

Reduce Your Cancer Risk

   The choices we make every day affect our chances of getting cancer. Three factors that we control have a lot to do with our risk of developing this terrible disease. 

Physical Activity icon

How Much We Move
Be physically active every day in any way for 30
minutes or more

Weight icon

How Much We Weigh
Aim to be a healthy weight throughout life

Diet icon

    What We Eat
Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and
avoid processed meat

Icon: Physical Activity Preventing Cancer
For the greatest protection, combine all three.

These guidelines form AICR’s simple, evidence-based message. Follow any one and you’ll lower your risk. Follow all three, and you’ll afford yourself the greatest protection possible. (And always remember – do not use tobacco in any form.)

AICR experts estimate that overall, about 1/3 of cancers in the 1.5 million cancers that occur every year in the US could be prevented by following these guidelines. For several specific types of cancer, following them could prevent even more cases.

Foods That Fight Cancer

 Full Glossary for Foods That Fight Cancer

No single food or food component can protect you against cancer by itself. But strong evidence does show that a diet filled with a variety of plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans helps lower risk for many cancers.

Foods Can Fight Cancer Both Directly …

In laboratory studies, many individual minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals demonstrate anti-cancer effects. Yet evidence suggests it is the synergy of compounds working together in the overall diet that offers the strongest cancer protection.

… And Indirectly

According to AICR/WCRF’s second expert report and its updates, carrying excess body fat increases the risk of seven cancers. Vegetables and fruits are low in calories, which help us get to and stay a healthy weight. Whole grains and beans are rich in fiber and moderate in calories, which also help in weight management efforts.

That is why AICR recommends filling at least 2/3 of your plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains and beans.

Research on foods that fight cancer – and that may also aid cancer survival – is ongoing and active.

Here is a partial list of the foods we at AICR get asked about most often. Click each one to learn what current science tells us about its potential role in cancer protection. You’ll also find links to recent AICR articles, cooking tips, recipes and more.

Foods That Fight Cancer

Yoga Improves Mood, Reduces Pain for Breast Cancer Patients

A new study has found that cancer patients who regularly participated in yoga classes reported an improvement in their quality of life. Regular yoga sessions reportedly helped improve patients’ mood while lessening the impact of pain and fatigue.

The study was carried out by researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Lorenzo Cohen, a professor of oncology at the center, says that the “benefits of yoga are above and beyond stretching,” and added that the study’s findings “may improve outcomes in cancer survivors.”

Sleep Apnea Patients More Likely to Develop Pneumonia, Study Finds

Sleep apnea involves the breathing airway collapsing periodically during sleep, resulting in a troubled and less productive rest.

Now, a new study of 34,100 people tracked over an 11-year period shows that sleep apnea patients are more likely to develop pneumonia, a serious inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death.

The researchers behind the study, which was carried out in Taiwan, found that 9.4 per cent of those who suffered from sleep apnea developed pneumonia within a five-year window. In comparison, only 7.8 per cent of those without sleep apnea developed pneumonia over that same period.

“This study showed that sleep apnea is an independent risk factor for incident pneumonia,” noted the researchers, who recently reported their findings in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The study also found that people who had severe sleep apnea conditions were more likely to develop pneumonia than people with mild sleep apnea symptoms.

So, what’s the connection between sleep apnea and pneumonia?

Researchers suggest that sleep apnea’s impact on the immune system may make patients more vulnerable to the pathogens that can eventually lead to pneumonia.

Sleep apnea can be treated using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device, which is designed to keep the airway from collapsing and disturbing rest.

It’s estimated that between 17 and 24 per cent of all North American adults suffer from some kind of obstructive sleep apnea. Between 2 and 6 per cent of all adults suffer from a severe case of the condition.

Source: Activebeat

7 Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and according to studies, it may help with a range of medical conditions.


Protects your heart

Some studies show that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may help reduce several risk factors of heart disease. Fish oil is linked to lower levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood), and helps prevent or treat hardening of the arteries by slowing production of plaque or blood clots. Studies also suggest that regularly consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against stroke.


Lowers cholesterol

Mayo Clinic lists fish and omega-3 fatty acids (the main component of fish oil) as the second best food to lower cholesterol, behind oatmeal and high-fiber foods. The omega-3s help reduce blood pressure and the risk of developing blood clots.


Benefits your bones

According to University of Maryland Medical Center, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help maintain a healthy bone mass. Studies showed that the fatty acids appeared to increase the amount of calcium the body absorbs and diminish the amount of calcium lost in urine. This promotes bone strength and growth.


May ease menstrual pain

A small study found that young women who took a fish oil supplement reported less menstrual pain than when given a placebo, according to NYU Langone Medical Center. Another small study found that women who took a fish oil supplement with vitamin B12 had less painful menstrual cycles. (Note: Always talk to your doctor before taking fish oil supplements.)


Treat mental illness

Although fatty acids are essential to healthy brain function, study results on the effectiveness of fish oil supplements to treat a range of mental disorders are mixed, so always talk to your doctor before treating yourself. A group of studies suggested that the omega-3s found in fish oil had a positive effect on people with primary depression. One small study found that patients with bipolar disorder who took fish oil supplements in addition to regular medication had fewer mood swings than those who took a placebo pill.


May help regulate diabetes

New research reported in Science Daily found that the omega-3s in fish oil supplements increased levels of adiponectin in the bloodstream, a hormone that aids in glucose regulation. Researchers say that higher levels of adiponectin is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

May reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Studies suggest the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes painful inflammation of the joints. According to information from the University of Maryland Medical Center, the omega-3s in fish oil may ease joint pain and morning stiffness. Other studies found that taking fish oil supplements in conjunction with conventional RA therapies may be effective at relieving joint pain.

Source: Reader’s Digest

Homemade Honey Raspberry Jam

The flavor of Raspberry mixed with Honey create fascinating taste. Honey Raspberry Jam is simple to make with fully health benefits. It is better to have this jam a day.  It is wonderful to spread on a warm piece of toast  and add to the chill yogurt in the morning and is perking you up.


Honey Raspberry Jam

Honey Raspberry Jam

Preparing time: 20 minutes
  • 2 cups Raspberries, washed and drained, or 2 bags of frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup  honey
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 6 jars
  1. In large saucepan combine berries with up to 1/8 cup water to boil over medium heat stirring often. Reduce heat and cover loosely. Crush berries occasionally to create a juice. Simmer for 10 minutes. Move from stove and let it cold down for 3 minutes and then add honey to mix together.
  2. Prepare jars by sterilizing in boiling water for 10 minutes. Keep jars hot until needed. Preheat jar lids for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the jam to 6 jars, tighten the lids.
  4. Place jars in preheated canner and bring to a rolling boil. Process jars for 5 minutes. Remove canner from heat. Let sit for 5 minutes. Carefully remove hot jars from water with a jar lifter and place them on a towel on the counter. Let sit for 24 hours. Check the seals before storing and use within 12 months.