Fish oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and according to studies, it may help with a range of medical conditions.


Protects your heart

Some studies show that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may help reduce several risk factors of heart disease. Fish oil is linked to lower levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood), and helps prevent or treat hardening of the arteries by slowing production of plaque or blood clots. Studies also suggest that regularly consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against stroke.


Lowers cholesterol

Mayo Clinic lists fish and omega-3 fatty acids (the main component of fish oil) as the second best food to lower cholesterol, behind oatmeal and high-fiber foods. The omega-3s help reduce blood pressure and the risk of developing blood clots.


Benefits your bones

According to University of Maryland Medical Center, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help maintain a healthy bone mass. Studies showed that the fatty acids appeared to increase the amount of calcium the body absorbs and diminish the amount of calcium lost in urine. This promotes bone strength and growth.


May ease menstrual pain

A small study found that young women who took a fish oil supplement reported less menstrual pain than when given a placebo, according to NYU Langone Medical Center. Another small study found that women who took a fish oil supplement with vitamin B12 had less painful menstrual cycles. (Note: Always talk to your doctor before taking fish oil supplements.)


Treat mental illness

Although fatty acids are essential to healthy brain function, study results on the effectiveness of fish oil supplements to treat a range of mental disorders are mixed, so always talk to your doctor before treating yourself. A group of studies suggested that the omega-3s found in fish oil had a positive effect on people with primary depression. One small study found that patients with bipolar disorder who took fish oil supplements in addition to regular medication had fewer mood swings than those who took a placebo pill.


May help regulate diabetes

New research reported in Science Daily found that the omega-3s in fish oil supplements increased levels of adiponectin in the bloodstream, a hormone that aids in glucose regulation. Researchers say that higher levels of adiponectin is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

May reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Studies suggest the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes painful inflammation of the joints. According to information from the University of Maryland Medical Center, the omega-3s in fish oil may ease joint pain and morning stiffness. Other studies found that taking fish oil supplements in conjunction with conventional RA therapies may be effective at relieving joint pain.

Source: Reader’s Digest

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